Call for Papers

Please follow the instructions given below for submitting the final camera-ready paper:

Step 1: Final Camera-ready paper preparation

Please follow the IEEE two-column A4 size standard conference format for preparing your final manuscript also. For more details please visit: the IEEE Templates page here.
A soft-copy of the full-length manuscripts in IEEE double-column format should be submitted electronically via Microsoft CMT through this Link

The maximum page limit is six pages including references. No author biography at the end. In case additional pages are necessary, pages up to 8 pages are permitted subject to payment of Rs. 1000 including GST ($100) extra per each additional page. Similarity with other papers should be low (Generally, a similarity index of more than 30 % is not acceptable for publication). The Maximum File Size allowed is 10 MB and the file format is Adobe PDF (.pdf) without any encryption and/or passwords. The authors are expected to make sure that the comments of the reviewers/meta-reviewers have been addressed in the final manuscript. Reply to the reviewer/meta reviewer comments can be given in the comment column in the post author feedback in the author console in CMT. Further, a separate pdf file highlighting the changes should be uploaded as the author’s feedback file on the same page.

Step 2: PDF eXpress check:

After you have appropriately revised your paper, pass your revised paper through PDF eXpress using conference ID (53885X) by going to the URL ( If you do not have an account in Pdf eXpress, click on the link “New Users – Click Here” and fill in your information (email address and password). If you are not familiar with Pdf eXpress you can get detailed instructions on using IEEE PDF eXpress at:

Step 3 Paper Submission:

Submit the final version of the paper (after passing it through PDF express check) through the author console in CMT. Please change the file name of the pdf Express checked camera-ready paper to PIDxx (where xx is your paper ID in CMT) before submission to CMT. Please note that authors are expected to retain the title of the original paper in the final paper. Also, the author list in the original paper can not be changed in the final manuscript.

Step 4. Submission of the copyright form:

(After uploading the final camera-ready paper (the paper must have passed PDF Check-in IEEE PDF eXpress), click on the ‘Submit IEEE Copyright Form’ link to enter the IEEE Copyright Form Submission CMT page. Click on the IEEE copyright website link. Now, the author will be redirected to the IEEE eCF site to submit the copyright form. After filling out the IEEE copyright form and copyright agreements, there is an option to download the completed IEEE Copyright Form in PDF (The corresponding author would have received the copyright form through email also). Please upload it (or ‘drop files here’ menu) on the same page in CMT. Please note that the corresponding author can submit the copyright form for all the authors.

Step 5: Conference registration

Full conference registration is mandatory to have the paper included in the conference program and the proceedings. Accepted and presented papers will be submitted for inclusion into IEEE Xplore subject to meeting IEEE Xplore’s scope and quality requirements.The registration portal will be opened soon. Please check the website regularly for updates.

No Show Policy :

Each accepted paper included in the final program is expected to have at least one author attend and present the paper at the conference. The non-presented paper will not be submitted to IEEE Xplore® digital library as per IEEE no-show policy.

Paper Submission Guidelines

For any paper submission related queries, please email

Manuscript Templates

To help ensure correct formatting, please use the style files for U.S. Letter Size found at the link below as templates for your submission. These include LaTeX and Word templates.

Violations of any of the above paper specifications may result in rejection of your paper. Please note that the Latex template does not allow for keywords. If you are using the Latex template, do not include keywords in your paper.

Manuscript Style Information

  • The paper size is U.S. letter size.
    • Use the U.S. letter size predefined by your word processor or typesetting software.
    • Do not manually set the paper size using mm or inch scale.
  • Only papers prepared in PDF format will be accepted.
    • The .pdf file format should be free from formatting errors (e.g. corrupt equations, missing or low-resolution figures) and free from password protection.
    • Paper Length: Up to 6 pages, including figures, tables & references.
    • Paper Formatting: double column, single spaced, #10 point Times Roman font.
    • Margins: Left, Right, and Bottom: 0.75″ (19mm). The top margin must be 0.75″ (19 mm), except for the title page where it must be 1″ (25 mm).
  • The abstract should not exceed 250 words.
  • Figures in image format should be of minimum 400 dpi.
  • Line art figures in Image format should be of minimum 600 dpi.
  • A thorough proofread should be conducted to check the standard of English and be ensured that wordings are clear and concise.
  • Ensure that all permissions have been obtained for any material within the manuscript, which is not from the submitted original work, or from previously published work.
  • Reference list should be checked for accuracy. References can only be linked via Crossref if they are correct and complete.
  • All the references given in the list of references should be cited in the body of a text.
  • The Citation should be given by number, whether sequential by order of citation or according to the sequence in an alphabetized list (For Example):
    • Single citation: [9].
    • Multiple citation: [4-6, 9]. The citations should be in numerical order.
    • Sequential citation by order of citation: reference 7 cannot be cited before reference 5.
  • Authors are advised to follow APA style of reference citation.
    • No page numbers, please. We will insert the page numbers for you.
  • Note: Violations of any of the above specifications may result in rejection of your paper.
  • All submitted papers will be checked for plagiarism through the IEEE CrossCheck system. Papers with significant overlap with the authors own papers or other papers will be rejected without review.
  • Important things to check before submission:
    • US letter paper (A4 and others not accepted).
    • 6-page limit (Not less than 5 pages).

Camera Ready Paper Submissions

Instructions for submitting your camera ready manuscript are given in the manuscripts decision notification letter. Final paper submissions are due no later than Feb 29, 2024. Any paper submitted after this date runs the risk of not being included in the proceedings. The paper must be re-submitted even if the reviewers indicated that no changes are required. All accepted papers will be published on IEEE Xplore. In order for your paper to be published in the conference proceedings,a signed IEEE Copyright Form must be submitted for each paper.

IMPORTANT: No paper can be published in the proceedings without being accompanied by a Completed IEEE Copyright Transfer Form. You must complete and submit this form to have your paper included in the conference proceedings.

Please note that an accepted paper will be published in the proceedings and uploaded to IEEE Xplore ONLY if the final camera-ready version is submitted and accompanied by the registration and copyright form(s), fee(s) for at least one of the authors. By submitting a paper you agree to these terms.

  • Policy on Plagiarism

    All papers submitted to IEEE OTCON 3.0 will be checked for plagiarism via the IEEE CrossCheck system. If a paper results with a high similarity (including self- plagiarism), the paper may not be reviewed and automatically rejected. Note that even if a paper is accepted and paid for registration, the program committee has a right to reject the paper and will not publish the paper in the proceedings. For further information please see IEEE Plagiarism Information Center.

  • Copyright Clearance Code

    The appropriate copyright clearance code notice is to appear at the bottom of the first page of each paper according to the guidelines set forth in the Cataloging/Copyright Instructions for an IEEE Conference Proceeding. The copyright notice should appear about 1 cm below the left column and should be aligned to the left with the same left margin as the column.


    More about copyright updated soon.

  • IEEE PDF eXpress

    All final manuscripts must be generated using the PDF eXpress tool. To generate the IEEE Xplore compatible PDF file of your paper, follow these steps:

    • Create your IEEE PDF eXpress account:
    • Use the Conference ID: _________________
    • The first time you access the system, please follow the link to new user. Please note that in order to access the service, you need to allow the use of cookies from the PDF eXpress web site. Once you have registered as a new user:
    • Upload the source file (containing your paper) for conversion.
    • Receive by e-mail the IEEE Xplore-compatible PDF of your paper.
    • Upload the IEEE Xplore-compatible PDF to the conference system WITHOUT making any changes to the file or filename.

Best Paper Awards

As evaluated by TPC Chairs and TPC Members, ONE paper in each track will be given Best Paper Award

Travel Grant Awards

As evaluated by TPC Chairs and TPC Members, ONE paper in each track will be given Travel Grant

Research Grant Awards

As evaluated by TPC Chairs and TPC Members, only one research will be given.

For further details

Please Contact

The Organizing Chair,

OTCON 4.0, OP Jindal Institute of Technology,
Raigarh, Chhattisgarh, India.


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